Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Flower pics

This has been a very productive week for landscaping. My front flower beds have gone from plain old and colorless to having loads of color and a huge variety of flowers and plants.

I don't rally have a plan. I started with one but it has morphed daily.

Here's some pictures (I hope this works)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mr. Man has found his owners

The family of Mr. Man came and picked him up. Nice, well meaning family. I just wish they could keep him from escaping.

My flower garden is expanding. I don't remember everything I put in but I should be making a diary/ log. So let me try to do that here.

In the front right flower bed I have a yellow rose bush. I can't recall the species. I'm thinking it is Sun Flare, but it hasn't bloomed yet so its hard to say. It has some green leaves and some burgandy. Its been in the ground for about 3 weeks and just got its first bud.

In the middle of the bed is "rainbow knock out". This is a gorgeous pink single flower with yellow in the middle. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Closest to the porch is "Blaze". This is a climbing red double flower rose. It has started to bloom and I am debating on when and how to train it to grab the railings.

The other side of the porch is "showbiz". This is another red climber. Hopefully it is hardy and disease resistant.

2 carnation flowering plants are mingled in with some green ground cover shrubs.

Next to that are 2 rose bushes that I can't remember the species.

The front area where the old ash tree was has been filled with 6-7 low growing shrub roses. There's several varieties but the colors are pink and red.

I will post pics when I can. The back yard is another thread.
Sent from my blackberry.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Found Aussie

Meet Mr. Man. Someone found this nice boy running in the streets of Charlotte last week. He's in pretty rough shape: long nails, ear infection, straw-like fur, filthy dirty. 2 baths + conditioner and he still feels nasty. He's very itchy too. I don't think it's fleas, it seems more like allergies to me. Anyway, I posted a found dog ad on Craigslist and he is going in to foster care if nobody claims him.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I'm plugging away at my rose experiments. So far I have a Sun blaze (yellow rose), Joseph's coat, Simplicity, Showbiz, Blaze, Carefree Wonder, Knockout Rose, Ground cover rose and Citrus Splash. I'm sure I have others but I can't remember their names and I lost the tags. Anyway, we'll see what grows and doesn't. I'm following all of the rose gardening tips, like planting with compost, bone meal, using mulch etc.

My carpet/ground cover rose bushes are rather small yet. I planted them last year. They just now bloomed. I'm not exactly sure what to do with them right now. I guess I'll do some internet searches and see how I should be treating them. Right now I have one trained to climb up just a bit.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Super clean

I was a spring cleaning maniac today. I washed walls, did a zillion loads of laundry, washed floors, did dishes, cleaned the bathroom, dusted, de-cluttered and cleaned up dog poop outside. The poor dogs were pretty bored following me from room to room.

Tomorrow is Marissa's first communion. Bleh. I hate church. Organized religion is such a sham. Worst yet, I'm missing a disc dog competition because of this thing too! Hopefully, it'll rain and I won't feel so bad.

Am I doing the right thing, getting carpet?

Friday, June 5, 2009


I've created my first blog. I've always been worried about creating a blog, because really, why do people need to know what I'm thinking or doing? But what the heck. It's time to get with the program. So here we go.

I'm determined to make my home my little sanctuary again. I love my little house. Even though it is not in the best of neighborhoods and it is super tiny. I have 3 guard dogs, minimum (not including foster dogs) so I doubt anyone will be breaking in any time soon. Also, the tiny house means very little cleaning! I'm typically pretty messy so it's important that I can whip my house in to shape for company quickly.

Anyhow, I have ordered new carpet. I don't know how I'll pay for it, but I'll figure that out later.

I've picked out my new paint colors. Now I just need to get motivated for that (bleh).

I'm slowly getting my landscaping plan in order. The front yard is coming together nicely and I have some new ideas for screening the neighbors god awful property. The back yard is a major challenge. With 3 young aussies, it is next to impossible to grow grass. I love a grassy back yard too :( So, I need to figure out a dog friendly landscaping plan that will withstand 3+ dogs running around, chasing each other, peeing, and so on. Maybe I should apply to be on one of those HGTV landscaping shows.

Moving on...we are planning our trip to Yellowstone. Yay. This is on my list of places to go before I die (that's another post). We are going in July. Geeky me has purchased a book on yellowstone so I can do research before we go. Have to make the most of the short visit, ya know?